If you are an internet user and you are also looking for a web host, then you have landed on the right page. Here I will share the important information about web hosting which is necessary to understand and select the best web hosting company for your website.
What is Web Hosting?
Web hosting is a service that is used to host your website. It is a type of Internet service that allows individuals and companies to make their websites accessible to users via the World Wide Web (WWW) and the Internet. The main objective of web hosting is to provide space to the web developer for storing the files of his/her website. Web hosting is also known as server hosting.
There are different types of hosting plans. These are shared hosting, reseller hosting, virtual private servers and dedicated hosting. Each of these types has its own benefits and drawbacks.
Why do you need a web hosting service?
If you are planning to start a blog then you need to buy a web hosting service. If you don’t have a web hosting service then you will face a lot of problems while starting the blog. You will face a lot of problems like slow loading speed, downtime and so on.
You can also share your web hosting account with other people if you want to share the web space with them.
Types of Hosting
There are different types of hosting depending on the features that you will get with them. Here is a list of the top types of hosting that you can choose from.
Shared Web Hosting:
This is the most common hosting plan and is the easiest option for beginners. The advantage of this type of hosting is that it provides all the necessary features, tools and resources required for the development of a website. It is the cheapest type of hosting and is suitable for any kind of website.
Reseller Hosting:
This is the most popular type of hosting among professional web developers. Reseller hosting is a plan where one person owns the web hosting account and resells the hosting space to various customers. This type of hosting is more expensive than shared hosting, but it offers a lot of benefits.
Dedicated Server Hosting
Dedicated server hosting is the oldest type of hosting. With this, you will have a server that is dedicated to you. In other words, you will have complete control of the server, which means you can install any software that you want. It is the most expensive option as compared to the previous options.
Virtual Private Server:
Virtual private server hosting is another type of hosting that you can opt for. With this, you will have a dedicated server. In other words, you will have a separate server that is dedicated to you. With this, you will have complete control of your server, which means you can install any software that you want. However, this comes at a cost, because you will have to pay extra for the services
Cloud hosting
Cloud hosting is one of the best and easiest ways to host a website. With cloud hosting, you don’t have to spend money to buy the hardware, but instead, you will pay monthly to get your own server space. The biggest advantage of cloud hosting is that you can start using cloud hosting instantly without any hassle.
Dedicated Web Hosting:
If you are a webmaster who wants to store a large number of files on your website, then you need to go for a dedicated hosting plan. Dedicated hosting is the most expensive of all the hosting plans and it gives you complete control over your website.
The Advantages and Disadvantages of WordPress
WordPress is one of the most popular content management systems (CMS) available. Its popularity is because of its ease of use and features. It is free to use and is open source.
If you are planning to start a blog then you should choose a web hosting service. It will help you to host your website or blog and also it will be really beneficial for you. You can also share your web hosting account with other people if you want to share the web space with them.